In May 2015 two sisters, Jennifer & Tamara decided to switch to a paleo diet focusing on protein-rich meats and fish, vegetables and fruit. They soon realized their snacking options were limited. Not to be dissuaded so easily, they decided to make their own. Using local, ethically raised pork, they started making their own pork crisps, a favourite childhood snack. Not only did they satisfy their salty snack cravings without compromising the paleo lifestyle, but they were also delicious and became an instant hit with their friends and family. The Primal Sisters were born and the rest is history! They debut at the Island Roots farmers market a year later and are now in over 15 stores across Vancouver Island and the lower mainland. If you want to give them a high five, you can still find them regularly at the Duncan Farmers Market year-round.
Well, “paleo” is shorthand for “paleolithic”. Primal is a nod to this “caveman” lifestyle and way of eating. When they asked their parent’s opinion on the name, their Dad said: “Primal Sisters makes me picture girls swinging in the trees”. We Love It!! Haha, thanks, Dad.